Complete Guide to Making and Parsing REST calls using SharePoint Designer 2013

Complete Guide to Making and Parsing REST calls using SharePoint Designer 2013

Recently I needed a sequential workflow that makes a REST call to another website (non-SharePoint), retrieves some JSON data, parses it, and makes decisions based on that data. Oh, and I’m not allowed to use Visual Studio in this case, it has to be SharePoint Designer (ugh).

Read a SharePoint list using JavaScript

Read a SharePoint list using JavaScript

There are countless ways to read data from a SharePoint list, and also myriad methods to do this in JavaScript, but I’m going to document this one way as a place to get started, and a published function I can refer back to if needed! First consider the following: Reading SharePoint list data using JavaScript requires the SP.js file to be loaded already. So, we should be putting this function inside of a $(document).ready(function())}; and if needed inside an ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(functionName,…

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Manage Created & Modified info on custom form in XSLT

Manage Created & Modified info on custom form in XSLT

Just wanted to write this down so I don’t forget how to do this, if this helps someone else out even better! If you’re wanting to access the Created By, Created On, Modified By and Modified on information on a custom list form in SharePoint 2010 or 2013, you can do this using the SharePoint:CreatedModifiedInfo control and use the CustomTemplate element, like so: <SharePoint:CreatedModifiedInfo ControlMode=”Display” runat=”server”> <CustomTemplate> <SharePoint:FormField FieldName=”Author” runat=”server” ControlMode=”Display” DisableInputFieldLabel=”true” /> <SharePoint:FieldValue FieldName=”Created” runat=”server” ControlMode=”Display” DisableInputFieldLabel=”true”/> <SharePoint:FormField FieldName=”Editor”…

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The data source control failed to execute the insert command

The data source control failed to execute the insert command

While working on a custom form the other day, we noticed the form that was working fine was suddenly throwing the following error: “The data source control failed to execute the insert command” Without anything to go off of we started comparing version history in the form, comparing source control versions, searching online, nothing really worked. It ended up being a combination of several things. First, make sure your XSLT databinding parameter matches the type of databinding you’re doing. For…

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