DbProviderFactories section can only appear once per config file

DbProviderFactories section can only appear once per config file

Recently I came across this error while doing some housekeeping and updating some old websites to .Net 4.0: HttpException: Failed to generate code. The ‘DbProviderFactories’ section can only appear once per config file. The problem is with the machine.config file in the .Net 4.0 folder on the hosting server. For some reason, an additional <DbProviderFactories /> element is present and needs to be removed. On the affected server, open C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config\machine.config in your favorite editor (Also might want to check C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Config\machine.config)…

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Filenames and WebDAV in SharePoint 2010

Filenames and WebDAV in SharePoint 2010

This is more of a reminder to myself than anything, and you may already be aware of this, but in case this issue is new here’s what helped me: While taking our enterprise in a paperless direction, one department was having trouble opening a document library using the “Open in Windows Explorer” function every time they saved a certain file to it. For the longest time I couldn’t find any pattern to the behavior, and assumed it was something to…

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Custom App Preferences in Windows Phone 8 C#

Custom App Preferences in Windows Phone 8 C#

I wanted to be able to determine the volume state of the Windows Phone 8 device, and searching around on the internet proved useless, not to mention the fact there’s a couple of settings in the SDK that look like they might be what I’m looking for, but documentation and blogs on Windows 7.1 say it’s not possible, so I’m not getting my hopes up. If anyone knows of a way to determine if a Windows Phone 8 device is…

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Stop and restart specific item workflows in SharePoint 2010 Using Powershell

Stop and restart specific item workflows in SharePoint 2010 Using Powershell

While sending our company in a paperless direction, I found that as I published updated workflows to a library old versions were not only still running (as expected) but becoming corrupt, almost like they were getting “stale”. These stale workflows would behave abnormally the more I published changes to the same workflow. Since these were approval-style workflows, where various selected staff were supposed to complete task items, things weren’t getting completed, and the workflows were seeming to be sitting there,…

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Windows 8 Enterprise error code: 0x800F0906 “Windows couldn’t connect to the Internet to download necessary files”

Windows 8 Enterprise error code: 0x800F0906 “Windows couldn’t connect to the Internet to download necessary files”

I fought with this one for nearly 8 hours today, attempting to install SSMS from SQL 2012.  This requires that the .Net Framework 3.5 and 2.0 be activated in Windows Features.  Sure, there’s a checkbox that you “should” be able to check and everything works fine.  Well, not for me.  I check it, click OK, it tells me it needs to download files from Windows Update, I say OK, and it throws this error. Basic troubleshooting courtesy of Google says…

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