STM and .Net 4.0 Beta 1

STM and .Net 4.0 Beta 1

I installed STM.Net this past week (Software Transactional Memory) as a experimental trial from DevLabs. Although I’m not sure how this environment will help my current enterprise I work for, I’m still curious about learning something new. I haven’t had a chance to try out the code yet this week, but hopefully next week after I set up my new dev environment at work I can install it there too and give it a whirl. I’ll post something here once…

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Great upcoming webcasts and seminars

Great upcoming webcasts and seminars

It seems like September through November is heavy on developer and security webcasts. I’m including as many as I can in this entry, if anyone notices others feel free to post them in the comments below. 24 Hours of PASS – 24 one-hour long-ish webcasts from industry experts on SQL related management and development. geekSpeak: Generics and Collections (Level 200) – Webcast providing details and best practices with collections and lists in .Net Framework 3.5Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008…

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New code library site

New code library site

I created a basic code library site to host all of the code snippets I’ve gathered and/or created over time. Go here to visit the site. It’s pretty basic and empty right now, I’ll dress it up a little more as time goes on. I’m also trying to determine a better way of sub-categorizing the code in each of the language tabs. I welcome suggestions. Enjoy!

App Pool Crashing – Part 2

App Pool Crashing – Part 2

When we left off on this issue, the app pool was crashing at semi-random intervals. After much discussion with Microsoft’s IIS forum, Microsoft’s ASP.Net forum (not much help there), and peer development groups ( primarily), I downloaded and installed IISState.exe, which is a command line monitor (basically) that is placed on the IIS server and listens for app pool issues. It’s far more detailed than Event Log or App Pool logging, providing codes at every POST/GET. Additionally, I tried turning…

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App Pool Crashing – Part 1

App Pool Crashing – Part 1

While working on a website that’s designed to run 24 hours a day with no user interaction (an automatically-updating display for users to walk past and see), I came across an interesting phenomenon. Now, the website is designed in ASP.Net 3.5 with AJAX. There’s an UpdatePanel and a Timer, and that’s it for the AJAX portion. The Timer control fires every 10 seconds and fires the UpdatePanel. Simple enough, right? Well, at random instances the website would stop updating and…

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