Http 404 in facebook link image preload

Http 404 in facebook link image preload

Just in case I ever forget (or if you get stuck on this), if you have a site you’re trying to either link to or shortlink to so you can post the link in a FB post and have the image automatically load, but for whatever reason it keeps saying “404 not found” in the FB post, do this: First, go to the target URL and delete the cache for that page. Either reset the OutputCache duration, delete the cache…

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Automated JS unit testing in VS Code

Automated JS unit testing in VS Code

I love using VS Code, and i want to be more diligent about unit testing especially with JavaScript. There didn’t seem to be an obvious way to do this in VS Code, so I cobbled together a few resources that ended up working well. It does require you have node.js installed on your machine first, so get that then proceed. By the way, for those of you familiar with unit testing this may seem remedial and possibly outdated. It’s new…

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My Latest Project – SLRPI

My Latest Project – SLRPI

Those of you who know me know in my spare time I write code, build solutions for things, etc. I like having a few “pokers in the fire” as the saying goes so I can bounce from side project to side project in case I get stonewalled and need a break. I’ve had a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B board laying around for a couple of years and couldn’t decide what to build with it. Many ideas crossed my mind…

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SharePoint and the Future of InfoPath

SharePoint and the Future of InfoPath

For those who don’t already know, InfoPath’s days are numbered. Microsoft has discontinued releasing InfoPath as part of the Office suite of applications, but will be supported as part of their typical lifecycle cadence of 10 years. I know many business users of SharePoint who have used InfoPath either to create custom List Forms or custom forms for a Form Library, and I am regularly asked “will InfoPath be supported in SharePoint 2016?”. My response is usually “Yes, it will…

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Show modal dialog form from another site collection

Show modal dialog form from another site collection

Ever get an error message saying “Refused to display ‘url’ in a frame because it set ‘X-Frame-Options’ to ‘SAMEORIGIN‘.” when trying to load a list form from another site collection in a modal dialog?  Add this to a line right after the last <% Register tag on the masterpage: <WebPartPages:AllowFraming runat=”server” />