Good morning!
Date | Temp | Water temp | Pressure | Solunar | Conditions |
3/31/2022 6:00am | 57° | 46° | 29.86 | Excellent all day | Clear |
The overnight temperature is finally warm enough for me to go fishing in the morning, so my fuzzy little fishing buddy and I started this year’s regular trips with a trek to Evelyn Hallman. Nice and clear, slight breeze, sun barely rising, we set up camp and got started. I had one line with chicken liver and the other with cured hot dog. Within 20 min the chicken liver line hit, but the line wrapped around the spool a few times before I could catch it. Fortunately the automatic rod holder sets the hook immediately, as I spent the first minute of the catch unravelling the line. As soon as I got it unwound I set the line again and sure enough the fish was still on the line! We brought in a 2.88lb, 21″ channel catfish, not the largest but a good fighter and healthy fish, great color.

No other fish that day, just some activity on the other line which I switched to corn after hot dogs proved to be not effective. I only stayed a couple of hours, and as the sun came up over the horizon behind me, it shone on the island in the center of the pond, reflecting on the hundreds of lures scattered across the trees on the shoreline like a white trash Christmas tree.